Tipi tents are a very welcome change from tunnel tents, which of course dominate the world of tents today. The growing popularity of Tipi tents is easy to understand. Their simplicity of design and appearance ensures a lot of distinctiveness of these striking tents.
Tipis are gaining in popularity every year and nowadays there is a lot of choice between the different models. Because a tipi only has one pole, they perform remarkably well in the lightweight segment of tents. The space to weight ratio is good with tipis and smaller models always deliver a lot of space and headroom for a nice packing weight.
In the larger model tipi you get a lot of space and you can go on holiday with a lot of people in just one tent. The height of a tipi ensures excellent ventilation on the inside of the tent. Also in polyester variants of the tipi the condensation will only be a fraction of what can be expected with condensation in tents with a different design. The Scandinavians (actually the Sami), who traditionally used the tipi as a mobile accommodation, understood this very well.
The high nock of a tipi ensures that the chimney of woodburning stoves, which can be used in these tents, also have a safe exit to the outside.